About Light

31. What is the name of the technique used to measure the curvature of the cornea?
a) Refraction
b) Reflection
c) Tomography
d) Topography

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32. What is the name of the device that measures the amount of light that is transmitted through a sample?
a) Spectrometer
b) Spectrophotometer
c) Photometer
d) Radiometer

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33. What is the name of the unit used to measure the amount of light that is absorbed by a material?
a) Lumen
b) Watt
c) Joule
d) Absorbance

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34. What is the name of the unit used to measure the brightness of a light source?
a) Lumen
b) Watt
c) Joule
d) Absorbance

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35. What is the name of the unit used to measure the power of a light source?
a) Lumen
b) Watt
c) Joule
d) Absorbance

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