
51. What was the Ajivika belief about the concept of karma?
A) Karma is an individual’s fate that cannot be changed
B) Karma is the result of an individual’s actions and can be changed through spiritual practice
C) Karma is irrelevant to spiritual practice
D) Karma is a concept created by other religions and has no place in Ajivika teachings

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52. Which of the following was a common practice among the Ajivikas?
A) Eating meat
B) Fasting
C) Offering sacrifices to deities
D) Performing daily prayers and rituals

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53. What was the Ajivika belief about the concept of the soul?
A) The soul is eternal and unchanging
B) The soul is constantly changing and impermanent
C) The soul does not exist
D) The concept of the soul is irrelevant to spiritual practice

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54. Which of the following was a characteristic of the Ajivika sect?
A) A strict hierarchical system of organization
B) A focus on material wealth and prosperity
C) An emphasis on community and social welfare
D) A tendency towards individualism and self-reliance

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55. What was the Ajivika belief about the concept of suffering?
A) Suffering is an illusion and does not really exist
B) Suffering is caused by attachment to material things
C) Suffering is an inherent part of human existence
D) Suffering can be eliminated through the performance of certain rituals

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