
26. Who was the founder of the Ajivika sect?
A) Mahavira
B) Buddha
C) Gosala Mankhaliputta
D) Adi Shankaracharya

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27. Which of the following was a common practice among the Ajivikas?
A) Meditation and introspection
B) Vegetarianism
C) Extreme asceticism and self-mortification
D) Pilgrimage to holy sites

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28. What was the Ajivika belief about the concept of liberation or moksha?
A) Liberation can be achieved through self-knowledge and realization of the true nature of the self
B) Liberation is a result of good karma and virtuous action
C) Liberation can only be achieved through extreme asceticism and self-mortification
D) Liberation is predetermined and cannot be achieved through human effort

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29. Which of the following was a reason for the decline of the Ajivika sect?
A) Persecution by other religious groups
B) Lack of popular appeal
C) The death of its founder, Gosala Mankhaliputta
D) The rise of Buddhism and Jainism, which offered more attractive alternatives

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30. What was the Ajivika belief about the nature of the self?
A) The self is eternal and unchanging
B) The self is constantly changing and impermanent
C) The self is an illusion and does not really exist
D) The self is determined by one’s past actions and cannot be changed

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