Algae & Fungi

26. Fungi can reproduce asexually through:

a) Binary fission

b) Budding

c) Fragmentation

d) All of the above

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27. Which of the following is not a benefit of fungi?

a) Decomposition

b) Production of antibiotics

c) Food source

d) Oxygen production

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28. What is the scientific name of the bread mold commonly found on stale bread?

a) Penicillium notatum

b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae

c) Rhizopus stolonifer

d) Aspergillus niger

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29. Fungi that form a mutualistic association with the roots of plants are called:

a) Mycorrhizae

b) Lichens

c) Endophytes

d) Pioneer fungi

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30. Which fungi are used to make bread rise through the process of fermentation?

a) Yeast

b) Penicillium

c) Aspergillus

d) Trichophyton

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