Amendment of the Constitution & Basic Structure Doctrine

76. Which amendment of the Constitution added the Ninth Schedule?
a) 1st Amendment
b) 9th Amendment
c) 29th Amendment
d) 39th Amendment

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77. What is the purpose of the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution?
a) To provide immunity to certain laws from judicial scrutiny
b) To provide protection to the linguistic and cultural minorities
c) To provide for special provisions for the development of certain regions
d) To provide for reservation of seats for women in the legislature

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78. Which amendment of the Constitution introduced the concept of ‘Panchayats’?
a) 42nd Amendment
b) 43rd Amendment
c) 73rd Amendment
d) 74th Amendment

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79. Which article of the Constitution was amended to introduce ‘Panchayats’ as a third tier of government?
a) Article 40
b) Article 45
c) Article 243
d) Article 371

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80. Which amendment of the Constitution introduced the concept of ‘Nagar Palikas’?
a) 42nd Amendment
b) 43rd Amendment
c) 73rd Amendment
d) 74th Amendment

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