
16. What is the process called when amphibians absorb water through their skin?

a) Dialysis

b) Osmosis

c) Permeability

d) Absorption

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17. Which of the following amphibians is known for its bright colors as a warning to predators?

a) Salamanders

b) Caecilians

c) Poison dart frogs

d) Newts

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18. The term “amphibian” comes from the Greek words “amphi” and “bios,” which mean:

a) Cold and blood

b) Double and life

c) Water and land

d) Wet and dry

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19. Which of the following amphibians is oviparous?

a) Salamanders

b) Frogs

c) Toads

d) All of the above

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20. Which of the following amphibians has a long, slender body and no legs?

a) Frogs

b) Toads

c) Salamanders

d) Caecilians

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