Art and Architecture of India (600-1000 AD)

126. The famous Ellora Caves are located in which state of India?
a) Maharashtra
b) Tamil Nadu
c) Karnataka
d) Andhra Pradesh

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127. The Ellora Caves are known for their:
a) Rock-cut architecture
b) Stucco decorations
c) Wooden sculptures
d) Metalwork

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128. The famous Khajuraho Temples, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are located in which state of India?
a) Madhya Pradesh
b) Uttar Pradesh
c) Rajasthan
d) Gujarat

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129. The Khajuraho Temples were built by which dynasty?
a) Chandela dynasty
b) Gupta dynasty
c) Rashtrakuta dynasty
d) Chalukya dynasty

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130. The famous Meenakshi Temple is located in which city of Tamil Nadu?
a) Madurai
b) Kanchipuram
c) Chennai
d) Thanjavur

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