Atomic and Nuclear Physics Basics

31. The process of radioactive decay is:

a) Spontaneous

b) Deterministic

c) Predictable

d) Controllable

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32. The process of radioactive decay can be influenced by:

a) Temperature

b) Pressure

c) Electric fields

d) None of the above

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33. The process of radioactive decay follows:

a) First-order kinetics

b) Second-order kinetics

c) Zero-order kinetics

d) None of the above

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34. The rate of radioactive decay is measured in:

a) Becquerels

b) Grays

c) Sieverts

d) Coulombs

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35. The process of nuclear decay can result in the formation of a different:

a) Isotope

b) Element

c) Compound

d) Molecule

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