Basic GK

1. Which of the following countries is the largest producer of crude oil in the world?
A) United States
B) Saudi Arabia
C) Russia
D) China

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2. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
A) Marie Curie
B) Dorothy Hodgkin
C) Rosalind Franklin
D) Barbara McClintock

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3. Which of the following countries is not a member of the European Union (EU)?
A) Norway
B) Switzerland
C) Italy
D) Spain

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4. Which of the following is the highest mountain peak in Africa?
A) Mount Kilimanjaro
B) Mount Everest
C) Mount Denali
D) Mount McKinley

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5. Which of the following countries has the largest population in the world?
A) India
B) China
C) United States
D) Russia

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