Battles And Wars In Indian History

111. Who won the Third Battle of Panipat?
a) Ahmad Shah Durrani
b) Maratha Empire
c) Mughal Empire
d) None of the above

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112. Who was the last ruler of the Maurya dynasty?
a) Ashoka
b) Bindusara
c) Chandragupta Maurya
d) None of the above

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113. Who won the Battle of Talikota?
a) Vijayanagara Empire
b) Bahmani Sultanate
c) Deccan Sultanates
d) None of the above

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114. Who was the founder of the Maratha Empire?
a) Shivaji
b) Balaji Vishwanath
c) Baji Rao I
d) None of the above

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115. Who won the Battle of Wandiwash?
a) British East India Company
b) French East India Company
c) Dutch East India Company
d) None of the above

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