Battles And Wars In Indian History

141. In which year did the Battle of Samugarh take place?
a) 1658
b) 1661
c) 1665
d) 1672

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142. In which year did the Third Battle of Panipat take place?
a) 1761
b) 1764
c) 1767
d) 1770

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143. In which year did the Battle of Chamkaur take place?
a) 1703
b) 1705
c) 1707
d) 1710

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144. In which year did the Battle of Talikota take place?
a) 1556
b) 1572
c) 1576
d) 1565

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145. In which year did the Battle of Bhopal take place?
a) 1737
b) 1751
c) 1771
d) 1799

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