
21. Which bird builds impressive mud nests on cliffs or man-made structures?

a) Swallow

b) Sparrow

c) Robin

d) Kingfisher

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22. Which bird is known for its ability to mimic sounds, including car alarms and phone ringtones?

a) Starling

b) Sparrow

c) Vulture

d) Falcon

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23. Which bird can hold its breath for up to 100 minutes while underwater diving?

a) Penguin

b) Cormorant

c) Osprey

d) Kiwi

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24. Which bird has the largest brain-to-body ratio among all bird species?

a) Crow

b) Eagle

c) Ostrich

d) Duck

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25. Which bird is known for its elaborate and colorful courtship display in the shape of a heart?

a) Dove

b) Puffin

c) Woodpecker

d) Kingfisher

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