Brain & Nervous System

6. What is the main function of the hypothalamus?

a) Controls body temperature and thirst

b) Controls motor coordination

c) Regulates sleep patterns

d) Controls voluntary muscle movements

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7. Which cranial nerve is responsible for vision?

a) Olfactory nerve

b) Optic nerve

c) Vestibulocochlear nerve

d) Trigeminal nerve

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8. Which of the following is responsible for transmitting electrical signals away from the neuron cell body?

a) Dendrites

b) Soma

c) Axons

d) Cell membrane

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9. Which part of the brain is responsible for receiving and processing information from the senses?

a) Frontal lobe

b) Temporal lobe

c) Parietal lobe

d) Occipital lobe

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10. Which of the following is responsible for protecting and insulating neurons?

a) Dendrites

b) Axons

c) Synapses

d) Myelin sheath

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