British Raj – Provincial Administration

Here are some MCQs about the Provincial Administration during the British Raj in India

1. Who was the head of the provincial administration in British India?
a) Governor-General
b) Viceroy
c) Lieutenant Governor
d) Prime Minister

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2. Which of the following provinces was not one of the major provinces of British India?
a) Bengal
b) Punjab
c) Madras
d) Assam

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3. The Indian Councils Act of 1861 introduced the portfolio system in the provincial administrations, which means that:
a) The Governor-General held all portfolios
b) Each portfolio was held by an Indian minister
c) Each member of the Executive Council became a minister in charge of a specific department
d) The Viceroy assumed control of all portfolios

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4.The Indian Councils Act of 1909, also known as the Morley-Minto Reforms, introduced which significant change in provincial administrations?
a) Introduction of separate electorates for Muslims
b) Introduction of separate electorates for Hindus
c) Increased powers of the Governor-General
d) Abolition of the portfolio system

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5. The “Dyarchy” system was introduced in the provinces of British India by which act?
a) Indian Councils Act of 1909
b) Government of India Act of 1919
c) Government of India Act of 1935
d) Indian Independence Act of 1947

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