British Raj – Viceroys of India [1858-1947]

11. Which Viceroy of India is known for signing the controversial Rowlatt Act in 1919, leading to widespread protests?
a) Lord Reading
b) Lord Chelmsford
c) Lord Irwin
d) Lord Willingdon

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12. The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, where British troops opened fire on peaceful protesters, occurred during the tenure of which Viceroy?
a) Lord Reading
b) Lord Irwin
c) Lord Willingdon
d) Lord Lytton

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13. Who was the Viceroy of India during the signing of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact in 1931?
a) Lord Willingdon
b) Lord Irwin
c) Lord Reading
d) Lord Linlithgow

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14. The Round Table Conferences, aimed at discussing constitutional reforms for India, were held during the tenure of which Viceroy?
a) Lord Linlithgow
b) Lord Willingdon
c) Lord Irwin
d) Lord Chelmsford

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15. The Government of India Act of 1935, introducing provincial autonomy, was enacted during the tenure of which Viceroy?
a) Lord Willingdon
b) Lord Linlithgow
c) Lord Irwin
d) Lord Reading

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