Types of Banks

Types of Banks

Here are some MCQs on Types of Banks 1. Which of the following types of banks specialize in providing services to individual customers and small businesses? a) Investment banks b) Commercial banks c) Central banks d) Development banks 2. Which of the following types of banks primarily focus on providing loans and credit facilities? a) … Read more

Types of Banking

Types of Banking

Here are some MCQs on Types of Banking 1. What is retail banking? a) Banking services offered to individuals b) Banking services offered to businesses c) Banking services offered internationally d) Banking services offered online 2. What is investment banking? a) Banking services offered to individuals b) Banking services offered to businesses c) Banking services … Read more

Major Banking Reforms of 21st century

Major Banking Reforms of 21st century

Here are some MCQs on Major Banking Reforms of 21st century 1. Which major banking reform of the 21st century aimed to strengthen financial stability and protect consumers? a) Basel II b) Dodd-Frank Act c) Volcker Rule d) Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2. What did the Dodd-Frank Act achieve in the banking sector? a) Created the Consumer … Read more

Banking Reforms During Liberalization

Here are some MCQs on Banking Reforms During Liberalization 1. Which year marked the beginning of banking reforms during liberalization in India? a) 1991 b) 1985 c) 2005 d) 1975 2. The banking reforms were introduced to promote: a) State-controlled banks b) Monopoly in the banking sector c) Efficiency and competition in the banking sector … Read more

Nationalization of Banking

Here are some MCQs on Nationalization of Banking 1. When was the nationalization of banking in India initiated? a) 1947 b) 1955 c) 1969 d) 1980 2. Which banking act was passed in India to facilitate the nationalization of banks? a) Banking Companies Act, 1949 b) Banking Regulation Act, 1949 c) Banking Regulation (Amendment) Act, … Read more

Banking Regulation Act

Here are some MCQs on Banking Regulation Act 1. Which act is considered the central piece of legislation for regulating banks in India? a) Banking Regulation Act, 1949 b) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 c) Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 d) State Bank of India Act, 1955 2. The Banking Regulation Act, 1949 is administered … Read more

Major Provisions of RBI Act

Here are some MCQs on Major Provisions of RBI Act 1. Which Act established the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)? a) Reserve Bank of India (Amendment) Act, 1934 b) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 c) Reserve Bank of India (Amendment) Act, 1949 d) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1949 2. The RBI’s primary objective, … Read more

History of Banking

Here are some MCQs on History of Banking 1. When was the first bank established? a) 1694 b) 1782 c) 1913 d) 1945 2. The oldest bank in the world is: a) Bank of America b) Barclays Bank c) Citi Bank d) Monte dei Paschi di Siena Bank 3. Which bank is credited with issuing … Read more

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