High Courts and Subordinate Courts

High Courts and subordinate courts are part of the judicial system in many countries. They play a crucial role in administering justice, interpreting laws, and resolving disputes at different levels Here are some MCQs on High Courts and Subordinate Courts 1. How many High Courts are there in India?a) 26b) 28c) 30d) 32 2. The … Read more

State legislatures, Assemblies and Legislative councils

State legislatures, assemblies and legislative councils are the legislative bodies that exist at the state level in many countries. These bodies are responsible for making laws, representing the interests of their respective states, and overseeing the executive branch at the state level. Here are some MCQs on state legislatures, assemblies and legislative councils 1. Which … Read more

Indian State Government and the Governor

Here are some MCQs on Indian State Government and the Governor 1. Who is the head of the State Government in India?a) Presidentb) Prime Ministerc) Chief Ministerd) Governor 2. Who appoints the Governor of a State in India?a) Chief Ministerb) Presidentc) Prime Ministerd) Chief Justice of India 3. The Governor of a State holds office … Read more

Supreme Court, judicial review, judicial activism, and Public Interest Litigation (PIL)

Here are some MCQs on The Supreme Court, judicial review, judicial activism, and Public Interest Litigation (PIL) 1. The Supreme Court of a country is the highest judicial authority. True or False?a) Trueb) False 2. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the establishment and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?a) Article 124b) Article 226c) … Read more

Indian Parliamentary Committees, Forums, and Parliamentary Group

Here are some MCQs on Indian Parliamentary Committees, Forums, and Parliamentary Groups 1. Which parliamentary committee scrutinizes the budgetary allocations and expenditures of the government?a) Public Accounts Committee (PAC)b) Estimates Committeec) Committee on Public Undertakingsd) Committee on Subordinate Legislation 2. The Committee on Public Accounts (PAC) is headed by:a) The Speaker of Lok Sabhab) The … Read more

Indian Parliament

The Indian Parliament is the supreme legislative body of India. It is a bicameral institution, consisting of two houses: the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and the Lok Sabha (House of the People). Here are some MCQs on Indian Parliament 1. The Indian Parliament consists of how many houses?a) Oneb) Twoc) Threed) Four 2. What … Read more

The Vice-President system of India

The Vice-President system of India is an integral part of the country’s political structure. India follows a parliamentary system of government, and the Vice-President holds a crucial position within this system. Here are some MCQs on The Vice-President system of India 1. The Vice-President of India is elected by an electoral college consisting of:a) Members … Read more

The President System of India

The President System of India : In India, the President is the head of state and holds a ceremonial role with limited executive powers. The President of India is elected by an electoral college comprising the elected members of both houses of Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) and the elected members of the Legislative … Read more

System of Government in India

India has a federal structure with powers divided between the central government and the states. It follows a parliamentary system with a President as the head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government. The country is a democratic republic, where the government is elected by the people. Here are some MCQs … Read more

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