Centre-State Relations & Inter-state Relations

16. Which of the following is a concurrent power of the Centre and the States?
a) Defense
b) Foreign Affairs
c) Police
d) Currency

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17. The Doctrine of ‘Eclipse’ states that:
a) A State law becomes void if it is inconsistent with a Union law
b) A Union law becomes void if it is inconsistent with a State law
c) Both State and Union laws can coexist on the same subject
d) Neither State nor Union laws can be enforced

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18. Which of the following subjects falls under the Residuary Powers of the Centre?
a) Currency and coinage
b) Criminal Law
c) Defense
d) Police

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19. The Sarkaria Commission submitted its report in the year:
a) 1983
b) 1998
c) 2000
d) 2011

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20. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the appointment, powers, and functions of the Governor of a State?
a) Article 153
b) Article 163
c) Article 173
d) Article 183

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