Changes in Post-Mauryan times

11. Who was the founder of the Gupta dynasty?
a) Chandragupta I
b) Samudragupta
c) Chandragupta II
d) Skandagupta

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12. Which of the following was the capital of the Gupta dynasty?
a) Pataliputra
b) Ujjain
c) Prayag
d) Patna

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13. Who was known as the “Napoleon of India”?
a) Samudragupta
b) Chandragupta I
c) Chandragupta II
d) Skandagupta

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14. Who wrote the famous Sanskrit play “Mrichchhakatika”?
a) Vishakhadatta
b) Kalidasa
c) Banabhatta
d) Bhasa

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15. Who was the founder of the Vakataka dynasty?
a) Vindhyashakti
b) Pravarasena I
c) Gautamiputra Satakarni
d) Harishena

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