51. Which of the following is true about the pre-training phase of GPT models?
A) It involves training the model on a specific task
B) It involves training the model on a large corpus of text data
C) It involves fine-tuning the model on a small amount of task-specific data
D) It involves evaluating the performance of the model on a test set

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52. Which of the following is a potential ethical concern with the use of GPT models?
A) They are too computationally expensive to be used in real-world applications
B) They could be used to generate fake news or propaganda
C) They are not capable of generating text that is indistinguishable from human-generated text
D) They are not interpretable and their outputs cannot be verified

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53. What is the “zero-shot” learning ability of GPT models?
A) The ability to perform a task with no examples or training data
B) The ability to perform a task accurately with very few examples
C) The ability to perform a task with less data than other models
D) The ability to generate text based on specific prompts

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54. Which of the following is an example of a task that GPT models are not well-suited for?
A) Text summarization
B) Language translation
C) Sentiment analysis
D) Object recognition

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55. Which of the following techniques is used in GPT models to generate text?
A) Convolutional neural networks
B) Recurrent neural networks
C) Transformer models
D) None of the above

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