76. Which of the following is a potential limitation of GPT models for text generation?
A) They may generate text that is too simple and lacks creativity
B) They may generate text that is too complex and difficult to understand
C) They may not be able to generate text that is grammatically correct
D) They may not be able to generate text that is appropriate for all audiences

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77. Which of the following is an example of a task that can be performed using a pre-trained GPT model without fine-tuning?
A) Text classification
B) Named entity recognition
C) Sentiment analysis
D) Language translation

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78. Which of the following is true about the architecture of GPT models?
A) They are based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
B) They are based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
C) They are based on transformer neural networks
D) They are based on autoencoder neural networks

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79. Which of the following is a potential application of GPT models in the field of customer service?
A) Generating responses to frequently asked questions
B) Identifying customer sentiment from social media posts
C) Generating personalized product recommendations
D) All of the above

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80. Which of the following is true about the pre-processing of data for GPT models?
A) It involves removing all punctuation and special characters from the text
B) It involves splitting the text into fixed-length sequences
C) It involves converting the text to binary format
D) It involves translating the text into a different language

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