81. Which of the following is a potential advantage of GPT models over traditional rule-based systems for natural language processing?
A) GPT models are more interpretable and easier to debug
B) GPT models can handle a wider range of languages and dialects
C) GPT models can generate text that is more creative and engaging
D) GPT models require less computational resources for training

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82. Which of the following is true about the use of GPT models in chatbots?
A) GPT models can only be used to generate responses to user input, not to interpret user input
B) GPT models can be used to both generate responses to user input and interpret user input
C) GPT models are not suitable for use in chatbots due to their high computational cost
D) GPT models can only be used in simple, single-turn chatbots

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83. Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of GPT models for text generation?
A) They require a large amount of labeled data for training
B) They are not capable of generating text in multiple languages
C) They can generate biased or offensive text if not trained on diverse data
D) They are not capable of generating text that is grammatically correct

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84. Which of the following is a potential application of GPT models in the field of healthcare?
A) Generating medical reports and summaries
B) Analyzing medical images
C) Predicting patient outcomes based on medical records
D) All of the above

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85. Which of the following is true about the output of GPT models?
A) It is always grammatically correct and coherent
B) It is always free of errors and inaccuracies
C) It can be modified or edited by humans to improve its quality
D) It is not suitable for use in any application that requires high accuracy

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