171. Which of the following is a potential application of GPT models in the field of healthcare?
a) Generating patient reports and diagnoses
b) Analyzing medical records and research data
c) Automating medical research and analysis tasks
d) All of the above

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172. Which of the following is a potential limitation of using GPT models for text generation?
a) GPT models may not be able to generate text with coherent or logical structure.
b) GPT models may not be able to generate text with diverse or creative language.
c) GPT models may not be able to generate text that is free from bias or misinformation.
d) GPT models may not be able to generate text in different languages or styles.

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173. Which of the following is a potential application of GPT models in the field of human resources?
a) Generating job descriptions and performance evaluations
b) Analyzing employee feedback and sentiment
c) Automating recruitment and candidate screening tasks
d) All of the above

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174. Which of the following is a potential limitation of using GPT models for sentiment analysis?
a) GPT models may not be able to accurately analyze sentiment in different languages or cultures.
b) GPT models may not be able to accurately identify sarcasm or irony in text.
c) GPT models may not be able to accurately classify sentiment in text with multiple or conflicting emotions.
d) GPT models may not be able to accurately analyze sentiment in text with incomplete or missing information.

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175. Which of the following is a potential application of GPT models in the field of journalism?
a) Generating news articles and summaries
b) Analyzing news content and trends
c) Automating news research and analysis tasks
d) All of the above

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