191. Which of the following is a potential application of GPT models in the field of law?
a) Generating legal documents and contracts
b) Analyzing case law and legal precedents
c) Automating legal research and analysis tasks
d) All of the above

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192. Which of the following is a potential limitation of using GPT models for chatbot development?
a) GPT models may not be able to understand and respond to user queries in different languages.
b) GPT models may not be able to accurately identify and handle sensitive user information.
c) GPT models may not be able to accurately respond to user queries with emotional or contextual variations.
d) GPT models may not be able to integrate with existing chatbot frameworks or platforms.

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193. Which of the following is a potential application of GPT models in the field of social media?
a) Generating social media posts and updates
b) Analyzing social media trends and sentiment
c) Automating social media content creation and curation tasks
d) All of the above

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194. Which of the following is a potential limitation of using GPT models for generating creative writing?
a) GPT models may not be able to generate original ideas or concepts.
b) GPT models may not be able to generate writing with poetic or metaphorical language.
c) GPT models may not be able to generate writing that is emotionally impactful or resonant.
d) GPT models may not be able to generate writing with complex character development or plot arcs.

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195. Which of the following is a potential application of GPT models in the field of education?
a) Generating educational materials and resources
b) Analyzing student performance and progress
c) Automating grading and assessment tasks
d) All of the above

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