
Here are some MCQs on English Clauses

1. Which of the following is a dependent clause?

a) The cat is sleeping.

b) When the cat is sleeping.

c) The cat is sleeping if it’s tired.

d) The cat is sleeping.

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2. What type of clause is “although I studied hard” in the sentence “Although I studied hard, I failed the test”?

a) Independent clause

b) Adverbial clause

c) Noun clause

d) Relative clause

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3. Choose the correct sentence using a relative clause:

a) The dog played in the park.

b) The dog, which is brown, played in the park.

c) The dog ran quickly.

d) The dog is tired.

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4. Which of the following is a noun clause?

a) She said that she would be late.

b) He ate his lunch quickly.

c) The car is blue.

d) The sun is shining.

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5. Identify the type of clause in the sentence “I will go if you come with me.”

a) Independent clause

b) Relative clause

c) Adverbial clause

d) Noun clause

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