Here are multiple choice questions with answers related to computer acronyms and abbreviations:
1. What does CPU stand for?
a) Computer Program Unit
b) Central Processing Unit
c) Computer Processing Unit
d) Central Program Unit
2. What does RAM stand for?
a) Random Access Memory
b) Read Access Memory
c) Repeating Access Memory
d) Relocatable Access Memory
3. What does GPU stand for?
a) Graphical Processing Unit
b) General Processing Unit
c) Gaming Processing Unit
d) Graphic Program Unit
4. What does BIOS stand for?
a) Basic Input/Output System
b) Basic Internal Operating System
c) Binary Input/Output System
d) Binary Internal Operating System
5. What does LAN stand for?
a) Local Area Network
b) Large Area Network
c) Link Area Network
d) Light Area Network
6. What does WAN stand for?
a) Wide Area Network
b) Wireless Area Network
c) Wired Area Network
d) Web Area Network
7. What does USB stand for?
a) Universal Serial Bus
b) Ultra Serial Bus
c) United Serial Bus
d) Unique Serial Bus
8. What does SATA stand for?
a) Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
b) Serial Attached Technology Access
c) Serial Advanced Technology Access
d) Serial Attached Technology Attachment
9. What does SSD stand for?
a) Solid State Drive
b) Secondary Storage Device
c) Storage System Drive
d) System Storage Device
10. What does ISP stand for?
a) Internet Service Provider
b) Information System Provider
c) Internet System Provider
d) Internal Service Provider