Constitutional and Legislative Developments during the British Era

6. The Indian Independence Act of 1947 provided for the partition of India into two independent dominions, India and:
a) Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
b) Pakistan
c) Myanmar (Burma)
d) Bangladesh

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7. Who was the British Prime Minister when the Indian Independence Act of 1947 was passed?
a) Winston Churchill
b) Clement Attlee
c) Neville Chamberlain
d) Stanley Baldwin

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8. The Government of India Act of 1935 introduced provincial autonomy in India, which means that:
a) The British government granted independence to India
b) The provincial governments had control over all aspects of administration
c) The Governor-General was replaced by Indian leaders
d) The provinces were given limited self-government under the British Crown

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9. The term “Dominion Status” referred to:
a) Full independence from the British Crown
b) Semi-independent status within the British Empire
c) Direct rule by the British Parliament
d) Annexation of princely states by British India

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10. The Cripps Mission, sent to India in 1942, proposed the establishment of a:
a) Constituent Assembly to frame the Constitution
b) Separate Muslim state of Pakistan
c) Cabinet mission to advise the Viceroy
d) Viceroy’s Executive Council with Indian members

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