Constitutional and Legislative Developments during the British Era

16. The “August Offer” of 1940 was a response to:
a) The Quit India Movement
b) The Civil Disobedience Movement
c) The Non-Cooperation Movement
d) The Muslim League’s demands for Pakistan

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17. The Indian National Congress officially declared its demand for “Purna Swaraj” (complete independence) in:
a) 1905
b) 1919
c) 1929
d) 1939

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18. Who was the first President of the Indian National Congress?
a) Dadabhai Naoroji
b) Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee
c) Allan Octavian Hume
d) A. O. Hume

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19. The “Poona Pact” of 1932 was an agreement between Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on the issue of:
a) Separate electorates for Muslims
b) Political representation for women
c) Communal representation for Dalits (Scheduled Castes)
d) Land reforms for farmers

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20.Who was the first Governor-General of India?
a) Lord Canning
b) Warren Hastings
c) Lord Dalhousie
d) Robert Clive

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