Constitutional and Legislative Developments during the British Era

21. The “Gandhi-Irwin Pact” was signed in 1931 to end the:
a) Salt Satyagraha
b) Quit India Movement
c) Civil Disobedience Movement
d) Non-Cooperation Movement

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22. The “Montagu Declaration” of 1917, also known as the “August Declaration,” provided for the:
a) Establishment of a Constituent Assembly
b) Partition of India
c) Introduction of separate electorates for Muslims
d) Gradual development of self-governing institutions

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23. The “Lucknow Pact” of 1916 was an agreement between the Indian National Congress and the:
a) Muslim League
b) British government
c) Indian Civil Services
d) All India Hindu Mahasabha

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24. The “Rowlatt Act” of 1919, which empowered the British government to arrest and detain individuals without trial, was also known as the:
a) Black Act
b) Pitt’s India Act
c) Simon Commission
d) Minto-Morley Reforms

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25. The “Champaran Satyagraha” of 1917 was a movement led by Mahatma Gandhi against:
a) Indigo planters and landlords
b) The salt tax imposed by the British
c) The partition of Bengal
d) The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

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