Cooperative Banks in India

11. Cooperative banks are primarily established to cater to the banking needs of which sector?

a) Agricultural

b) Industrial

c) Service

d) Educational

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12. What is the maximum limit on deposit insurance provided by DICGC for cooperative banks in India?

a) Rs. 1 lakh

b) Rs. 5 lakh

c) Rs. 10 lakh

d) Rs. 25 lakh

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13. Which financial product is not usually offered by cooperative banks in India?

a) Savings account

b) Current account

c) Fixed deposit

d) Credit card

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14. What is the minimum age requirement to become a member of a cooperative bank in India?

a) 16 years

b) 18 years

c) 21 years

d) 25 years

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15. Cooperative banks provide loans primarily for which purpose?

a) Education

b) Housing

c) Business

d) Healthcare

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