Decline of Delhi Sultanate and Rise of Provincial Kingdoms

Here are some MCQs on Decline of Delhi Sultanate and Rise of Provincial Kingdoms

1. What was a significant factor that contributed to the decline of the Delhi Sultanate?
A) Strong central administration
B) Military conquests in Central Asia
C) Effective agrarian reforms
D) Weak successors and internal conflicts

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2. Who was the last powerful ruler of the Delhi Sultanate before its decline?
A) Alauddin Khalji
B) Balban
C) Ibrahim Lodi
D) Feroz Shah Tughlaq

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3. During the decline of the Delhi Sultanate, which new power emerged in the Deccan region?
A) Mughals
B) Vijayanagara Empire
C) Cholas
D) Mauryas

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4. Which of the following provincial kingdoms emerged in Bengal after the decline of the Delhi Sultanate?
A) Bahmani Kingdom
B) Jaunpur Sultanate
C) Bengal Sultanate
D) Maratha Kingdom

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5. The rise of provincial kingdoms was primarily a result of:
A) Strong central authority in Delhi
B) Extensive trade with foreign powers
C) Administrative decentralization and weak successors
D) External invasions from Mongol forces

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