Decline of Delhi Sultanate and Rise of Provincial Kingdoms

21. Which provincial kingdom emerged in the eastern part of India after the decline of the Delhi Sultanate, with its capital at Gaur?
A) Malwa Sultanate
B) Muzaffarid Sultanate
C) Gondwana Kingdom
D) Bengal Sultanate

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22. The founder of the Muzaffarid Sultanate, who declared independence from the Delhi Sultanate, was:
A) Dilawar Khan Ghori
B) Ahmad Shah I
C) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
D) Bahlul Khan Lodi

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23. Which provincial kingdom emerged in the central part of India after the decline of the Delhi Sultanate, with its capital at Mandu?
A) Malwa Sultanate
B) Muzaffarid Sultanate
C) Gondwana Kingdom
D) Khandesh Sultanate

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24. The Gondwana Kingdom, established in central India, was known for its control over which important trade route?
A) The Silk Road
B) The Grand Trunk Road
C) The Spice Route
D) The Gondwana Trade Route

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25. Which region of India witnessed the rise of the Ahom kingdom, challenging the authority of the Delhi Sultanate?
A) Assam
B) Odisha
C) Rajasthan
D) Karnataka

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