Delhi Sultanate: Architecture, Ats and Culture

46. The “Dhrupad” music form, prevalent during the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal era, is a form of classical music primarily sung in praise of:
A) Nature and rivers
B) The Mughal emperors
C) The Rajput warriors
D) Divine entities and deities

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47. The “Ghazal” poetry form, widely popular during the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal period, is known for its themes of:
A) Love and beauty
B) War and conquest
C) Nature and wildlife
D) Political satire

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48. The Mughal emperor Jahangir was a connoisseur of which form of art and collected paintings of animals and birds?
A) Miniature paintings
B) Abstract paintings
C) Sculptures
D) Murals

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49. The famous “Mughal Miniature Paintings” were executed using pigments and brushes made from:
A) Silk and gold
B) Diamonds and rubies
C) Precious metals and gemstones
D) Natural minerals and plant extracts

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50. The “Parsi Revolt” in the Mughal court during the reign of Akbar was primarily related to issues of:
A) Land revenue
B) Religious tolerance
C) Succession to the throne
D) Zamindari system

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