Delhi Sultanate: Polity, Administration & Economy

21. Which Sultan of Delhi established the city of Firuzabad as his new capital?
A) Alauddin Khalji
B) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
C) Balban
D) Firuz Shah Tughlaq

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22. The “Khalisa” was the land directly under the control of:
A) Sufi saints
B) The nobles (Amirs)
C) The Sultan (state)
D) The religious scholars (Ulama)

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23. The Turkic nobility in the Delhi Sultanate was known as the:
A) Rajputs
B) Ghulams
C) Sayyids
D) Mamluks

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24. The Delhi Sultanate’s military was dominated by:
A) Archers and cavalry
B) Elephants and infantry
C) Artillery and marines
D) Slingers and horsemen

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25. The “Iqta” holders were primarily responsible for:
A) Religious education
B) Military service
C) Agricultural production
D) Trade and commerce

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