Directive Principles of State Policy

Here are some MCQs on Directive Principles of State Policy

1. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with the protection of cows and their progeny?
a) Article 39(a)
b) Article 48
c) Article 45
d) Article 41

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2. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with providing free and compulsory education for children up to 14 years of age?
a) Article 39(a)
b) Article 45
c) Article 48
d) Article 41

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3. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with securing for all workers a living wage, conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of life, and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities?
a) Article 41
b) Article 43
c) Article 48A
d) Article 46

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4. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with promoting equal justice and free legal aid to the poor?
a) Article 39A
b) Article 44
c) Article 47
d) Article 48A

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5. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with promoting the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of society?
a) Article 39(b)
b) Article 46
c) Article 38
d) Article 45

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