Directive Principles of State Policy

31. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with protecting monuments, places, and objects of national importance?
a) Article 47
b) Article 48
c) Article 49
d) Article 50

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32. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with the promotion of scientific research and the advancement of technology?
a) Article 38
b) Article 39(f)
c) Article 42
d) Article 51A

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33. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with the provision of free and compulsory education for children up to the age of fourteen years?
a) Article 45
b) Article 41
c) Article 39(f)
d) Article 46

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34. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with the provision of adequate means of livelihood for all citizens?
a) Article 41
b) Article 38
c) Article 39
d) Article 47

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35. Which Directive Principle of State Policy deals with the promotion of public health?
a) Article 42
b) Article 45
c) Article 47
d) Article 48

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