Dutch East India Company

Here ars some MCQs about the Dutch East India Company, also known as the VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie), and the Danish East India Company

1. Which European country established the Dutch East India Company (VOC)?
a) Spain
b) Portugal
c) England
d) Netherlands

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2. The VOC was founded in which year?
a) 1500
b) 1602
c) 1707
d) 1804

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3. The primary objective of the VOC was to:
a) Spread Christianity in Asia
b) Conquer territories for the Dutch crown
c) Establish colonies in Africa
d) Control and monopolize the Asian spice trade

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4. Which Asian city served as the headquarters of the VOC’s operations in the East?
a) Goa
b) Jakarta
c) Macau
d) Colombo

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5. The VOC played a significant role in the colonization of which present-day country in Southeast Asia?
a) Indonesia
b) India
c) Malaysia
d) Vietnam

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