East India Company’s Internal Administration and Regulation

Here are some MCQs about the East India Company’s internal administration and regulation

1. What was the highest administrative body of the East India Company in London?
a) Court of Directors
b) Board of Control
c) Court of Proprietors
d) Governor-General’s Council

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2. The highest administrative authority of the East India Company in India was known as the:
a) Governor-General’s Council
b) Board of Directors
c) Viceroy’s Council
d) Court of Proprietors

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3. The Governor-General of India was appointed by the East India Company and was responsible for the administration of:
a) British territories in India
b) All princely states in India
c) British territories in India and princely states under the ‘subsidiary alliance’
d) All territories under the British Empire

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4. The Charter Act of 1833 introduced a new title for the Governor-General of India, known as the:
a) Viceroy of India
b) President of India
c) Supreme Governor of India
d) Lieutenant Governor of India

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5. The Governor-General’s Council, established in 1773, was composed of:
a) British Parliament members
b) Directors of the East India Company
c) Elected representatives from India
d) The Governor-General and his executive council

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