East India Company’s Internal Administration and Regulation

6. Who was the first Governor-General of Bengal, appointed in 1773 under the Regulating Act?
a) Warren Hastings
b) Lord Cornwallis
c) Robert Clive
d) Lord Dalhousie

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7. The Governor-General’s Council had a provision for a Law Member, who was responsible for:
a) Military affairs
b) Civil administration
c) Legal matters and legislation
d) Foreign relations

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8. The Indian territories under the direct control of the East India Company were collectively known as:
a) Presidencies
b) Provinces
c) Regions
d) Territories

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9. The three major presidencies of the East India Company in India were Bengal, Madras, and:
a) Bombay
b) Delhi
c) Calcutta
d) Hyderabad

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10. Each presidency was headed by a Governor, and the Governor’s executive council was known as:
a) Council of Ministers
b) Executive Council
c) Legislative Council
d) Governor-General’s Council

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