East India Company’s Internal Administration and Regulation

11. Who was the Governor-General of India when the Indian Rebellion of 1857 (Sepoy Mutiny) occurred?
a) Lord Wellesley
b) Lord Dalhousie
c) Lord William Bentinck
d) Lord Canning

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12. The Indian Rebellion of 1857 led to the transfer of control over India from the East India Company to:
a) The British Parliament
b) The Crown (British government)
c) The Indian princes
d) The British East India Company remained in control

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13. The Charter Act of 1813 allowed Christian missionaries to propagate their religion in India and provided funds for:
a) Construction of churches
b) Promotion of Indian culture
c) Establishment of educational institutions
d) Training of Indian priests

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14. The Charter Act of 1813 led to the establishment of several colleges in India, including:
a) Calcutta Medical College
b) Delhi University
c) Bombay Engineering College
d) Madras Law College

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15. The Charter Act of 1833 introduced a new provision for the establishment of universities in India. The first three universities were set up in:
a) Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras
b) Delhi, Hyderabad, and Lahore
c) Varanasi, Agra, and Pune
d) Kolkata, Ahmedabad, and Chennai

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