East India Company’s Internal Administration and Regulation

26. The “Doctrine of Lapse” was a policy used to annex Indian states that lacked:
a) A powerful military
b) British approval
c) Efficient administration
d) Natural resources

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27. The “Doctrine of Lapse” was controversial as it allowed the East India Company to annex states without any:
a) Compensation to the rulers
b) Political repercussions
c) Legal justification
d) Resistance from the local population

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28. The annexation of which princely state under the “Doctrine of Lapse” was a significant factor that triggered the Indian Rebellion of 1857?
a) Jhansi
b) Nagpur
c) Travancore
d) Awadh (Oudh)

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29. The introduction of English as the medium of instruction in Indian schools was promoted by the efforts of:
a) William Jones
b) Lord Dalhousie
c) Thomas Babington Macaulay
d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

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30. The Charter Act of 1853 allowed Indians to hold some lower-level civil service positions, breaking the monopoly of the ICS. This change was known as the:
a) Indian Civil Service Act
b) Indian Administrative Service Act
c) Indian Subordinate Service Act
d) Indian Commission Act

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