Economic Growth, Development, and Inclusive Growth

Here are some MCQs on Economic Growth, Development, and Inclusive Growth

1. Economic growth refers to:
a) Increase in GDP
b) Increase in population
c) Increase in inflation
d) Increase in unemployment

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2. Human Development Index (HDI) measures:
a) Economic growth
b) Education, health, and income levels
c) Inflation rate
d) Unemployment rate

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3. Inclusive growth aims at:
a) Economic growth for all sections of society
b) Economic growth for only the rich
c) Economic growth for only the poor
d) Economic growth for urban areas only

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4. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations to:
a) Promote economic growth
b) Reduce poverty
c) Address environmental challenges
d) All of the above

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5. Which of the following is NOT a factor of production?
a) Land
b) Labor
c) Capital
d) Technology

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