Economic Planning, Planning Commission, NITI Aayog

81. Which branch of economics studies the behavior of industries and markets, including topics like market structure and competition?
a) Labor economics
b) Monetary economics
c) Public economics
d) Industrial economics

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82. Which branch of economics studies the international trade and finance between countries?
a) Labor economics
b) Monetary economics
c) Public economics
d) International economics

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83. Which branch of economics studies the economic factors and policies that affect the environment and natural resources?
a) Labor economics
b) Monetary economics
c) Environmental economics
d) International economics

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84. Which branch of economics focuses on the economic analysis of law, including topics like contracts, property rights, and legal liability?
a) Labor economics
b) Monetary economics
c) Environmental economics
d) Law and economics

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85. Which branch of economics studies the behavior of consumers and producers in the market for goods and services?
a) Microeconomics
b) Macroeconomics
c) Development economics
d) Industrial economics

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