Economics: Types, Sectors, Branches

Here are some MCQs on Economics: Types, Sectors, Branches

1. Which of the following is not a type of economic system?
a) Market economy
b) Planned economy
c) Mixed economy
d) Democratic economy

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2. In a market economy, the allocation of resources is primarily determined by:
a) Government planning
b) Centralized authority
c) Market forces
d) Consumer preferences

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3. Which type of economy is characterized by private ownership of resources and free market competition?
a) Market economy
b) Command economy
c) Mixed economy
d) Socialist economy

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4. In a command economy, the allocation of resources is primarily determined by:
a) Government planning
b) Market forces
c) Consumer preferences
d) Private ownership

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5. A mixed economy combines elements of both:
a) Market and planned economies
b) Market and socialist economies
c) Command and planned economies
d) Command and socialist economies

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