Economics: Types, Sectors, Branches

61. Which branch of economics studies the economic behavior of individuals and firms in the presence of psychological biases and irrationality?
a) Microeconomics
b) Macroeconomics
c) Behavioral economics
d) Development economics

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62. Which branch of economics focuses on the analysis of economic issues related to public goods, taxation, and government spending?
a) Microeconomics
b) Macroeconomics
c) Public economics
d) Development economics

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63. Which branch of economics studies the relationship between the environment and the economy, including issues of sustainability?
a) Microeconomics
b) Macroeconomics
c) Environmental economics
d) Resource economics

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64. Which branch of economics focuses on the study of money, banking, and financial markets?
a) Microeconomics
b) Macroeconomics
c) Monetary economics
d) Financial economics

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65. Which branch of economics examines the effects of government taxation and spending on the economy?
a) Microeconomics
b) Macroeconomics
c) Fiscal economics
d) Public economics

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