Era of Harsha

16. The Chinese pilgrim Xuanzang mentioned that Harsha Vardhana organized grand religious assemblies to promote:
a) Hinduism
b) Jainism
c) Buddhism
d) Shaivism

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17. Harsha Vardhana’s kingdom was known for its well-developed system of governance inspired by:
a) Mauryan administration
b) Gupta administration
c) Mughal administration
d) British administration

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18. Harsha Vardhana’s reign marked a period of cultural renaissance known as the:
a) Golden Age of India
b) Gupta Empire
c) Mauryan Era
d) Harappan Civilization

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19. Which famous Sanskrit poet was a contemporary of Harsha Vardhana?
a) Kalidasa
b) Tulsidas
c) Valmiki
d) Vyasa

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20. Harsha Vardhana was known for his efforts to promote which language?
a) Sanskrit
b) Prakrit
c) Tamil
d) Pali

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