Fishes & Mollusks

36. Fishes are known for their streamlined body shape, which is beneficial for:

    a) Efficient swimming

    b) Camouflage

    c) Protection

    d) None of the above

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37. Which of the following is not a mollusk defense mechanism?

    a) Ink release

    b) Camouflage

    c) Venomous tentacles

    d) Suction cups

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38. Fishes have a specialized sense organ called the lateral line, which helps them to detect:

    a) Smells

    b) Sound

    c) Light

    d) Balance

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39. By counting the number of growth rings on their scales or otoliths, scientists can determine the:

    a) Age of a fish

    b) Species of a fish

    c) Diet of a fish

    d) Mating season of a fish

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40. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of mollusks?

    a) Jointed appendages

    b) Segmented body

    c) Chitinous exoskeleton

    d) Soft body with a muscular foot

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