Five-Year Plans in India

    26. The strategy of the Seventh Five-Year Plan was:
    A) Modernization and growth with justice and equity
    B) Poverty reduction and employment generation
    C) Balancing economic growth and environmental protection
    D) All of the above

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    27. The main emphasis of the Ninth Five-Year Plan was on:
    A) Agriculture and rural development
    B) Industrial development
    C) Infrastructure development
    D) Human resource development

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    28. Which Five-Year Plan is also known as the “Rolling Plan”?
    A) Eighth Five-Year Plan
    B) Ninth Five-Year Plan
    C) Tenth Five-Year Plan
    D) Eleventh Five-Year Plan

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    29. Which Five-Year Plan is based on the “Growth with Social Justice and Equity” strategy?
    A) Seventh Five-Year Plan
    B) Eighth Five-Year Plan
    C) Ninth Five-Year Plan
    D) Tenth Five-Year Plan

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    30. Which Five-Year Plan aimed to accelerate the rate of economic growth and improve the quality of life in India?
    A) Sixth Five-Year Plan
    B) Seventh Five-Year Plan
    C) Eighth Five-Year Plan
    D) Ninth Five-Year Plan

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