Five-Year Plans in India

    31. Which Five-Year Plan was launched after the end of the economic crisis caused by the Gulf War?
    A) Seventh Five-Year Plan
    B) Eighth Five-Year Plan
    C) Ninth Five-Year Plan
    D) Tenth Five-Year Plan

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    32. The main focus of the Third Five-Year Plan was on:
    A) Agricultural development
    B) Industrial development
    C) Educational development
    D) Infrastructure development

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    33. The main objective of the Fourth Five-Year Plan was to:
    A) Increase agricultural production and productivity
    B) Develop heavy industries
    C) Reduce regional imbalances
    D) Promote balanced economic growth

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    34. Which Five-Year Plan aimed to reduce infant mortality and maternal mortality rates in India?
    A) Sixth Five-Year Plan
    B) Seventh Five-Year Plan
    C) Eighth Five-Year Plan
    D) Ninth Five-Year Plan

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    35. Which Five-Year Plan was launched after the economic liberalization policies were implemented in India?
    A) Eighth Five-Year Plan
    B) Ninth Five-Year Plan
    C) Tenth Five-Year Plan
    D) Eleventh Five-Year Plan

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