
11. An object will sink in a fluid if its density is:

a) Greater than the density of the fluid

b) Less than the density of the fluid

c) Equal to the density of the fluid

d) None of the above

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12. When an object floats in a fluid, the weight of the fluid displaced by the object is:

a) Greater than the weight of the object

b) Equal to the weight of the object

c) Less than the weight of the object

d) None of the above

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13. The buoyant force acting on an object is always directed:

a) Upwards

b) Downwards

c) Horizontally

d) It depends on the shape of the object

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14. A balloon filled with helium floats in the air because:

a) The weight of the balloon is less than the buoyant force

b) The weight of the balloon is greater than the buoyant force

c) The weight of the balloon is equal to the buoyant force

d) None of the above

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15. The buoyant force acting on an object submerged in a fluid depends on the:

a) Shape of the object

b) Depth of the fluid

c) Pressure of the fluid

d) All of the above

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